Our Values

We desire to see disciples who know the Word and are committed to living it out every day. Our core values flow naturally from our vision and mission. They are not unique to us, but we aren’t trying to be unique; our goal is to be faithful.


Everything we do, teaching, worship, fellowship, service, and evangelism, is all about displaying the Gospel clearly to those around us.


We believe in the power of prayer and that without prayer, nothing is possible for our church. If the vision is to become reality, if we are going to fulfill the mission, and if we are going to experience God’s power in our lives, we must pray and pray constantly.


We believe entirely in God’s Word. It alone sets that standard for our faith and practice.


The Holy Spirit continues to speak to His Church and guide believers. We don’t want to follow ourselves but to go where the Spirit leads us.


We are not called to a life of ease as Christians but a life lived on mission for God. We are committed to sharing the Gospel in every aspect of our lives as we strive to glorify God.


Christians are called to grow in Christ-likeness, learning to better reflect the righteousness that Christ has already given them. We are committed to encouraging and challenging every member to mature in Christ.


The world needs more churches committed to pursuing God’s glory. We are committed to partnering with like-minded churches to accomplish this end.


The Bible reminds us that we are all sheep in need of a shepherd. While Jesus is the ultimate shepherd, we believe in providing care to one another as Jesus would if He were physically present with us.


We need community. Discipleship happens best in the context of relationships. We are people who lean on one another through the ups and downs of life.


We are in this together. The Bible calls us to be of one mind, not allowing division to distract us from the vision and mission that God puts before us.